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What We Do

Hypha is the long threadlike structure within a mushroom. In most mushrooms, hyphae are the main mode of transmitting information and catalysing vegetative growth.


Growing regulated psilocybin mushrooms for medical research is a very complex process. With our roots in agriculture and the sciences, and our experience and expertise in this particular area, we are ideally positioned to make the most of the opportunities available by forming strategic partnerships both locally and internationally to best meet the needs of this emerging and growing industry.


Growing quality in quantity 


Systematically applying Hypha's standardised growing methods and techniques. Which have been developed to streamline production, optimise biological efficiency and attain the highest possible percentage of the desired compound each cycle. 

Using these mushroom to produce quality products for your enjoyment and mental well being.


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Unique Liquid Cultures & Grain Spawn

Hypha has a large and ever increasing mushroom culture bank.


Through our research, development and standardised practices we have  also created our own idiosyncratic fast fruiting high production strains. We also specialise in culture strengthening, as time passes the structure of the mycelium becomes fragile so it is important to rejuvenate and reinvigorate your sample. Culture growth is another area we specialise in. Once that mycelium has been revived, it's time to start growing and expanding at a rate that will facilitate healthy robust growth.

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Customised Substrates

Aimed at achieving high Biological Efficiency.


There are many different materials that facilitate mushroom growth. When you look around, you will find a plethora of information on substrates.  But once you go into consistent or large scale production, you will need to look into what materials are available in your location and how to adapt to suit the variety of mushroom you intend to cultivate. At Hypha we are focused on creating specialised local substrate recipes that are best suited for a variety of strains and our geographic location. We can also create unique substrates that are specific to your style of production.

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Technical support

Using best practices and standards.


Providing knowledge and information at every level of production. Using best practices  to diagnose and troubleshoot problems and help our community find the solutions they need to address whatever issues they may be facing.

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